Quest:Frightening the Steeds

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Frightening the Steeds
Level 73
Type Solo
Starts with Medwine
Starts at Idmar's Camp
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [28.5S, 56.8W]
Quest Group Parth Celebrant
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'If you have a moment, I would like a word with you, <name>. For my part, I have seen several brigands travelling by horse between the Rushgore and Parth Celebrant.

'We cannot allow them to rally with any other forces they have outside of the Field. Return to their camp to the south-west and frighten their horses. With enough luck, we will trap them on the field and have little trouble rounding up the stragglers.'


Medwine has been tasked with trapping the brigands on the Field of Celebrant, so that the Rohirrim can mount an attack.

Objective 1

The brigands' horses are located inside of Hordfierd, the large camp in south-west Parth Celebrant.

Medwine has asked you to frighten the horses of the brigands.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Medwine

Medwine is at Idmar's camp in central Parth Celebrant.

You should return to Medwine with news of your success.

Medwine: 'The horses are driven off? Good. I will send word to Stangard to see if we cannot track a few down...our stables have been very busy lately.
'I am certain the brigands are realizing their folly by now.'